Publishing House of the University of Agriculture in Krakow

The Publishing House of the University of Agriculture in Krakow brings out scientific monographs in the following fields: economics, animal husbandry and biology, environmental engineering and geodesy, forestry, horticulture and biotechnology, agriculture, food technology, veterinary medicine, as well as textbooks for students of natural and agricultural universities, conference materials, and occasional publications. We also issue two monographic series (‘Problems of agriculture and rural development’, ‘Pieniny – Nature and People’) and scientific journals (‘Acta Scientiarum Polonorum’ Formatio Circumiectus series, ‘Acta Silvestria’, and ‘Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape’). The Publishing House of the University of Agriculture in Krakow is featured on the Ministry list of accredited publishers of scientific monographs (meaning that points are granted for the monographs we publish). We also collaborate with external institutions. For several years, we have been participating, as an exhibitor, in the International Book Fair in Krakow.

Editorial and scientific ethical standards

I. The Publisher is guided by the principles of editorial ethics to prevent unfair or unlawful publication practices. To this end, the Publisher applies the guidelines posited by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), in particular:

1. The Publisher requires the authors and co-authors to specify their contribution to writing and publishing the given scientific work, and identifies the names of all authors, co-authors, and collaborators in a prominent place in print (book cover, title page, editorial page).

2. The Publisher prevents the practices of the so-called ghostwriting and guest authorship, which would go against scientific integrity. In the event of disclosure of such practices, the Publisher notifies scientific editors responsible for the publication in the given Faculty/Department, or scientific editors-in-chief of the given journal.

3. The Publisher observes the principle of disclosing, in the given work, any research financing sources, any contributions of scientific and research institutions, associations and other entities, and any possible conflicts of interests that may affect the results or interpretation of the given work.

4. The Publisher requires the authors to provide the sources of the data used in their publication (“source”, “developed on the basis of”, etc.). In case of doubt, submission of source data may be required for verification.

5. The Publisher strives to avoid publishing multiple, unnecessary, or competitive works (e.g. works describing the same research in more than one journal, or being a translation of a text already published).

6. The Publisher requires the authors to cite publications that had an impact on the creation of their work.

7. The Publisher abides with the current rights and legal regulations in force, pertaining to defamation, copyright violation, and plagiarism (in the event of a violation of copyright, the Publisher informs the author, co-authors, reviewers, and scientific editors). Violation of the above rights is the basis for rejecting the work.

8. The Publisher takes care of the proper selection of reviewers by scientific editors and watches over the proper course of the review process; does not accept the appointment of persons who remain in direct subordinate-supervisor relationship with the authors of the texts or in other direct personal relationship; monitors the review process to ensure that it is impartial; submits texts for review to at least two independent reviewers who are specialists in the field of the reviewed work.

9. In the reviews of articles for scientific journals, the Publisher applies the double-blind review rule.

II. The Publisher guarantees the correct course of the publishing process, from review to printing of the publication, consistent with ethical principles and good publishing practices:

1. (Two) reviewers for the work are proposed by scientific editors of Faculties/Departments (scientific monographs), or by scientific editors-in-chief of the given journal.

2. Reviews are submitted to authors via scientific editors of Faculties/Departments (scientific monographs), or via scientific editors-in-chief of the given journal. The author is obliged to improve his/her work according to the reviewers’ guidelines. If the author does not agree with the reviewer’s comments, he/she is obliged to prepare a response to the review in writing, which the Publisher’s editors submit to the reviewer. In the event of a negative review, the work is rejected.

3. Editorial and linguistic corrections of texts are made by editors working with the Editor as permanent employees or collaborators, with academic or professional qualifications in the field (philologists or specialists in editorial work).

4. Typesetting, layout and graphic design, taking into account the applicable editorial and typographic principles, is done by professional typesetters and graphic designers.

5. The principle of author’s final proofreading of the text is strictly observed. All works must be approved for printing by the authors.

6. Throughout the editorial process, the Publisher observes professional editorial principles, copyright principles (e.g. in the field of citations, publications of illustrations, and photographs from other sources, etc.), and good practice.

How to contact us


Dr hab. inż. Andrzej Wałęga, prof. URK
phone: 12 662 40 29

Managing Editor

Mgr Iwona Pisiewicz
phone: 12 662 51 51

Editorial Assistant

Dr inż. Anna Balakowska
phone: 12 662 51 57 | fax 12 662 51 59

Wykonanie strony:
Szanowni Państwo,
Od 25 maja 2018 r. wszystkie podmioty przetwarzające dane osobowe zobowiązane są do stosowania Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (Rozporządzenie ogólne o ochronie danych, zwane dalej: RODO). Ponieważ bezpieczeństwo Pani/Pana danych osobowych jest dla nas priorytetem, zaktualizowaliśmy nasze zapisy o ochronie danych osobowych w celu dostosowania ich do RODO, aby móc w pełni chronić prywatność naszych klientów, wykorzystywać ich dane wyłącznie we właściwy sposób oraz zapewnić im możliwość dalszego korzystania z naszych usług na takich samych zasadach jak dotychczas. Szczegółowe informacje na temat sposobu przetwarzania Pani/Pana danych osobowych oraz o prawach z tym związanych znajdzie Pani/Pan w naszej Polityce prywatności.

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